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john dalton bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "john dalton"
  • john:    king john; john the evangelist; lavatory; st.
  • dalton:    john dalton; dalton
  • dalton (satuan):    dalton (unit)
  • dalton trumbo:    dalton trumbo; trumbo
  • hukum dalton:    dalton law; dalton's law; john dalton; dalton
  • kristen dalton:    kristen dalton (miss usa)
  • mike dalton (pastur):    mike dalton (priest)
  • john:    king john; john the evangelist; lavatory; st. john the apostle; toilet; john lackland; john; bathroom; can; privy; saint john the apostle; john the divine; lav; saint john; st. john
  • doctor john:    doctor john (tv series)
  • john a. thivy:    john thivy
  • john adams:    president john adams; adams; john adams; president adams
  • john alcock:    john alcock (raf officer)
  • john anderson:    john anderson (colonial administrator)
  • john arthur:    john arthur (missionary)
  • john bardeen:    john bardeen; bardeen
  • For instance, John Dalton did not consider this possibility.
    Misalnya, John Dalton tidak mempertimbangkan kemungkinan ini.
  • John Dalton first expressed this observation in 1804.
    John Dalton pertama kali mengemukakan pengamatan ini pada 1803.
  • The library holds personal papers and letters of notable figures, among them Elizabeth Gaskell and John Dalton.
    Perpustakaan menyimpan surat-surat pribadi dan surat-surat dari para tokoh, di antaranya Elizabeth Gaskell dan John Dalton.
  • With his advances in the atomic theory of matter, John Dalton devised his own simpler symbols, based on circles, to depict molecules.
    Seiring kemajuan dalam teori materi atom, John Dalton menemukan simbolnya sendiri yang lebih sederhana, berdasarkan lingkaran, untuk menggambarkan molekul.
  • The law was independently discovered by British natural philosopher John Dalton by 1801, although Dalton's description was less thorough than Gay-Lussac's.
    Hukum tersebut ditemukan secara terpisah oleh filsuf alam Inggris John Dalton pada tahun 1801, walaupun deskripsi Dalton kurang menyeluruh dibandingkan Gay-Lussac.
  • In the 19th century, John Dalton, through his work on stoichiometry, concluded that each element of nature was composed of a single, unique type of particle.
    Pada abad ke-19, John Dalton, melalui karyanya pada stoikiometri, menyimpulkan bahwa setiap unsur alam terdiri dari satu jenis partikel yang unik.
  • Throughout the 19th century, chemistry was divided between those who followed the atomic theory of John Dalton and those who did not, such as Wilhelm Ostwald and Ernst Mach.
    Sepanjang abad ke-19, kimia dibagi antara mereka yang mengikuti teori atom John Dalton dan mereka yang tidak, seperti Wilhelm Ostwald dan Ernst Mach.
  • 1803 John Dalton proposes Dalton's law, which describes relationship between the components in a mixture of gases and the relative pressure each contributes to that of the overall mixture.
    1801 John Dalton mengusulkan hukum Dalton, yang menjelaskan hubungan antara komponen dalam campuran gas dan tekanan relatif yang masing-masing berkontribusi pada campuran keseluruhan.
  • (Magner 173) When John Dalton's atomic theory of matter superseded Descartes' philosophy of infinite divisibility at the beginning of the 19th century, preformationism was struck a further blow.
    (Magner 173) Ketika teori atom John Dalton tentang materi menggantikan filosofi Descartes tentang keterbelahan tanpa batas pada awal abad ke-19, preformationisme mendapat pukulan lebih lanjut.
  • English scientist John Dalton proposed the modern theory of atoms; that all substances are composed of indivisible 'atoms' of matter and that different atoms have varying atomic weights.
    Ilmuwan Inggris John Dalton mengusulkan teori atom modern; bahwa semua zat tersusun dari 'atom-atom' materi dan bahwa atom-atom yang berbeda memiliki berat atom yang berbeda-beda pula.
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